Let go

When I look at the picture, the memory of my own childhood comes to me immediately. For a long time I practiced cycling. First with the help of training wheels. Then came the big day. The training wheels were removed. I was believed that I could now ride a bike without help from others. Something queasy was already in my stomach. Would I be able to do that? What if I suddenly fell down?

The disciples are also in such a situation on Ascension Day. What a lot you have experienced and gone through with this Jesus. When they went together across the lake and a strong storm came up - there was Jesus with them and everything became good. When they brought a paralytic - Jesus spoke to him and he was completely healed. When the scribes and Pharisees started to argue with Jesus - he found exactly the right words and they did not know what to say back. Even when the terrible events in Jerusalem came over them and they thought that everything was over - suddenly Jesus appeared to them after three days and changed their leaden sadness into overflowing joy.

How are they to get along now? Can they do that? Now we are back to the picture. The child on the bicycle is asking himself these questions: Will I be able to do this? Can I just let go? Will someone help me if I fall down?

Courage and trust - these are the qualities that characterise the little boy on the bike and give the impulse to let go. The disciples must have had exactly this feeling back then, otherwise they would never have been able to let go of Jesus. Jesus trusts them with something: "You will be my witnesses in Jerusalem and in all Judea and Samaria and to the ends of the earth" (Acts 1:8). Jesus also assures them of his support: "You will receive power when the Holy Spirit comes upon you";

And if the little boy falls with the wheel, will the Father not rush to help him? Of course he will! So let us let go of our fears, our distrust and our insecurities, because this is the message of Ascension: be courageous and go your way with confidence! You have the strength! I'm with you all the way to the end of the world!

Daniela Weitzel, Postulant

"If it does you good, then come!"


(St. Francis of Assisi)