Keeping the overview

The number of people who have had experience with digital conferences, lectures and training courses has increased enormously. In such a video conference, everyone can be seen more or less well, sometimes a camera doesn't work, then another microphone, then the connection is disturbed, a moderator tries to have everyone in view, some sit alone, others with several in front of the screen. To a certain extent, this can also be applied to our relationship with God. Often enough I am surprised how he keeps an overview of us people, even if the camera or the microphone is off for one or the other. But one thing is certain: the network to Him is always intact and never overloaded. Thank God!

A major digital event is also coming up in our congregation. For the first time in the history of the Congregation, there will be an international meeting in which all Sisters can participate - digitally, of course. Sr Eliana has been thinking about this:

For insiders only

Thoughts on the upcoming Matten Chapter - inspired by carnival speeches as they can be heard and seen at carnival meetings.

In doing so, I would like to disregard the occasion and the seriousness of this spiritual event of our sisterhood.

So I - "unlearned" by media technology - have expressed the preparation and view of this event in verses, as it happens before the beginning of the unknown and how "one" thinks and has one's own idea.

In doing so, I want to smile a little humorously at myself and some of us, and wipe out misconceptions and reservations.

A completely unusual way of meeting and sharing in the sisterhood.

That one cannot meet as usual
Because everything is "limited" - thus one came up with the idea of the viritual "Chapter of Mats".

Where people otherwise think a lot of closeness and coming together
A computer, a laptop with camera and microphone is set up.

The chapter room is reserved for individual sisters.
Something new is tried out in the offices and rooms.
Then one sits comfortably, equipped with a coffee cup.
at the desk, table and chair in front of the screen.

And tries to get involved with the new medium -
Not to say - to stubbornly stare at the device.

To wait/what/,when the picture comes up --.
Then suddenly portrait after portrait of fellow sisters emerges.

A happiness, a jubilation - you can see them all.
One can hear and even understand different voices.

With amazement and looking one is even busy -
Who is on the screen - all there?

The sisters have turned out to be quite small,
but supposedly there is contact with all of them.

Everything is technically possible and feasible -
Those who speak on the subject are seen "big" - even

Full of amazement - But topics are also still there
They are to be discussed, translated and thought through - forsooth.

How is that to be done and can one get something out of it mentally, spiritually?
Well, on 19 February the chapter on mats will begin.

I am curious and I am getting involved.
And I hope - it will be the only Chapter of Mats in this way.

For the community, nothing beats meetings, being together, the presences -
only in case of certain necessities - serve the video conference.

We hope and trust that the Chapter of Mats will succeed
and brings good experiences for all participants.

Finally, we may also firmly trust -
The Holy Spirit will look upon us and our digital meeting.

He is also the one who brings us together through video conferencing.
And certainly touches us with questions and answers.

So it is God's Spirit who books no space, no place, no time for himself -
who is everywhere you look for Him.


Let's ask for the Spirit of God together and let's get involved.
See you soon
Sister Eliana

"If it does you good, then come!"


(St. Francis of Assisi)