On the Feast of the Holy Trinity

On the Feast of the Holy Trinity

In my home in the northern Oberpfalz in the Kemnather Land, there is a pilgrimage church to the Holy Trinity on the Armesberg. The altarpiece shows us God the Father, God the Son, above them in the sign of the dove, God the Holy Spirit and in the centre below Mary.

I invite you to take a few minutes to contemplate this image:
I believe that love continually flows through the three divine persons, including Mary. Mary is included in the cycle of love and grace.

After a while, take Mary out of the picture and put yourself in her place. Stay in this place for a long time. Feel how this cycle of love and affection flows through you too. Stay there until you feel that your hunger for love is satisfied, that you are well nourished by this love, that you experience peace and security.

Then put in this place, one by one, the people who are close to your heart. Let these people be flooded and given gifts of this divine triune love. Take your time for this.

If possible, next put the people in this place with whom you are having a hard time. Pray for these people, commend them to God's love. This does not mean that you have to be sympathetic to these people now, but that you respect their dignity as God's creatures.

Close with the prayer "Glory be to the Father and to the Son and to the Holy Spirit" or with the sign of the cross and blessing.

Sr Elisabeth Hofmann

"If it does you good, then come!"


(St. Francis of Assisi)