The situation in Peru

Sr Beatriz reports on the situation in Peru. Corona hits this poor country especially hard.


Despite an early curfew, the Corona virus has the country in its power. From day to day the situation becomes more dramatic. has interviewed our Sister Beatriz (interview in German here). She tells about her experiences, still from the first days.

She writes: "For us as Peruvians our profits were not cut, not what was left over was left out - for us here it is about existence, it is about survival." Many live by earning the money today to buy food for today. They can't live on savings.

Tagesschau (news broadcast in Germany) reports here (in German) about the current situation, which is also confirmed by our sisters in Peru.

Let us pray for each other.

Author: Sr. Katharina2020-05-31

"If it does you good, then come!"


(St. Francis of Assisi)