The majority of the jubilarians experienced their novitiate and first profession decades ago, also in the Basilica in Vierzehnheiligen. Numerous guests had gathered and a crowd of priests who are connected with the Sisters gathered around the altar.
The Superior of the Congregation, Sr Regina Pröls, reminded the guests of the Sisters who professed with the Jubilarians, but who had already gone ahead to their heavenly home, and also of those who had left the Congregation. Those jubilarians who could not be present at the solemn service due to illness were also included in all the praying and singing.
In his sermon, Archbishop Dr Ludwig Schick explained that the Sisters gave people three foundations in their ministries: Bread, home and faith. In their respective places of service in Germany, Peru and Croatia, they ensured that children, young people and adults were nourished in body, heart and soul. He thanked them for their work over the decades.
The celebration and thanksgiving continued in the Motherhouse with the invited guests from near and far.