
Here you can read the Christmas letters from Peru, India and Croatia.

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Big and small were happy when visiting our bazaar - about the encounters, the products and also the first snow.

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We are expecting the first women and children from Ukraine to come to Vierzehnheiligen. Do you want to support us?

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Our Franciscan Sisters Foundation in Croatia continues to help people without shelter. Now the earthquake victims are joined by people who had to flee from Ukraine.

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An encouraging report from Sr. Martina from Croatia on the progress of our earthquake relief.


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We have received several donations for earthquake relief from you. We have passed them on to Mia Liker, the director of our shelter in Croatia, to be given to families in need. She reports on the delivery:

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Shortly after Christmas, an earthquake shook Croatia several times. It was the second time this had happened in 2020. Help is urgently needed.


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The Malteser Waldkrankenhaus St. Marien and the Bamberg Diocesan Museum support our aid projects in Peru and India.

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The church year is approaching its end and the Christmas markets are slowly getting into their starting position. But this year everything is different.

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At the gate of the mother house there is a new offer.

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"If it does you good, then come!"


(St. Francis of Assisi)